woodworking plans for a box | How to make bandsaw boxes
woodworking plans for a box
Its really funny: Ive had a bandsaw for a long time, but have never made a bandsaw box. Ive seen a gazillion examples of them at LumberJocks.com, but I always kind of thought they looked complicated. So when I began searching for a simple step-by-step tutorial, I couldnt find anything good.
The neat thing about bandsaw boxes is that if you give them away as gifts, people will be amazed and wonder about your woodworking prowess. They will think you are a woodworking god! Little will they know that you are a mere mortal and these boxes are totally easy to crank out! You can build one in under two hours. If you glue it up with super glue, you can have one completed in 3o minutes!
Heres my very basic design, if you would like to print it out.
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