woodworking basic box | Jewelry Box Curly Maple and Wenge

woodworking basic box

woodworking basic box

Just completed this commission piece for a client who had made a previous purchase. The box measures 14"w x 9"d x 6 1/2" h and is constructed from soft curly maple, also known as ambrosia maple, and wenge (wen-gay). The drawer liners are craft foam and worked out surprisingly well. I wanted something different than the traditional felt.
Shown with the lid and drawers closed, note the shape of the front and rear legs.
The curve of the drawer pulls match the curve of the lid handle giving the viewer the impression that there are 3 drawers.

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woodworking basic box | Jewelry Box Curly Maple and Wenge woodworking basic box | Jewelry Box Curly Maple and Wenge Reviewed by bala on 1:21 AM Rating: 5

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