woodworking plans box | Shadow Boxes

woodworking plans box

woodworking plans box

I received a table saw for Christmas about 4 years ago. This was my first woodworking machine. My wife wanted a couple shadow boxes and this was the first project I ever put together. Its a pretty simple concept. Two shelves that I just flipped to give me the effect we both wanted. I made this project out of red oak that I got at Home Depot. Nothing fancy!The boards were fastened with 3/4 inch dados that I made with my router, glue, counter sunk #8 wood screws and then I plugged the holes with dowel. I used a dark walnut stain and a few coats of water based polyurethane. It was a pretty simple project.

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woodworking plans box | Shadow Boxes woodworking plans box | Shadow Boxes Reviewed by bala on 8:07 PM Rating: 5

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