wood box plans simple | Fall Art Show Linden wood box

wood box plans simple

wood box plans simple

Hi Everyone,
Before it gets hot today, I decided to go down and finish the turning and sanding on the linden wood box:
Here is the lid. Ive turned down the point in the center to a small, stubby finial which I think complements the piece well. Its also been sanded to 600 grit and rubbed down with a green nylon kitchen pad:
Next the box portion. Here it is on the lathe and its also been finely sanded. In this photo Im getting ready to detach the waste wood on the bottom:
Here is the bottom of the box. Ive sawed off the waste wood:
And here it is bottomless!
And here are the finish photos. The box has been assembled:
The turning and sanding on the box is complete. Next well talk about surface adornment. Im going to spray an artists fixative on the surface to preserve the color and to protect it from dust, dirt, etc. I plan to  use some birch bark to create "patches" and place them on the surface of the box. As this is going to take some time and experimentation, Ill cover this in a separate posting.

Do you find information about wood box plans simple are you looking for? If not, below may help you find more information about the wood box plans simple. Thank you for visiting, have a nice day.
wood box plans simple | Fall Art Show Linden wood box wood box plans simple | Fall Art Show Linden wood box Reviewed by bala on 9:08 AM Rating: 5

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