trick box woodworking plans | DIY Display Box Part 1

trick box woodworking plans

trick box woodworking plans

I have seen so many beautiful different types of display boxes all over the world wide web and knew I wanted to make one for my kitchen table. I wanted it to be as cheap as I could possibly make it and something that could be versatile.

Here is what you will need
*1x4 {you could use 1x6 too if you wanted a wider box}
*Pin nailer {or if you dont have a pin nailer, wood glue would work too}
*Chop Saw or Jig Saw
*A man slave {optional} tehe

First determine how long you would like your box. I wanted mine to be fairly long since it would be displayed across the length of my kitchen table.
 Once you know how long you would like your box, cut 3 pieces that same length.
One piece is for the base and the other 2 for the long sides.
Next, using, the rest of your 1x4, cut your ends. Simply measure how long to cut them. 
Once you have all your pieces cut out, pin nail or wood glue one long side to the base and your side piece and then repeat.

 Your box should look similar to this when you are finished assembling.

 Here is the bottom side view
 Remember to sand your project really well before you paint it. When I am done sanding I like to take a sponge brush and brush off all the excess dust. 
I painted my box white and then antiqued it with stain.
I then rummaged through my knobs and handle bin {I put all leftover hardware in a bin from refurbish projects, so that I always have some on hand} and hot glued them on.
YES, thats right, hot glued.
You could screw them in, but I just wanted to be done quickly.

I love the finished project. 
The apples wont be staying in the box for long. I made it wide enough for mason jars and plan to change out the decor and greenery for different seasons. 
So part 2, will be what goes in the box. 
Watch for that!
Happy Crafting

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trick box woodworking plans | DIY Display Box Part 1 trick box woodworking plans | DIY Display Box Part 1 Reviewed by bala on 10:15 PM Rating: 5

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